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Form or character.

Greek morphē, form.

A few examples exist in technical contexts, such as morphology, the study of the forms of things, such as living organisms or words, in particular inflected forms; morphogenesis, the origin and development of the forms of organisms, or the formation of landforms or other structures; morphallaxis (Greek allaxis, exchange), regeneration by the transformation of existing body tissues.

Morph also exists as a standalone noun (each of several variant forms of an animal or plant, or of a word) and as a verb (to change smoothly from one image to another by small steps using computer animation techniques).

In linguistics, morpho‑ refers to morphemes, meaningful units of a language that cannot be further divided, as in morphophoneme, one of the variant phonemes which belong to the same morpheme, and morphosyntactic, involving both morphology and syntax.

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