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Protection; parachuting.

Via French from Italian parare, defend or shield, derived from Latin parare, to prepare.

The main examples of the first sense are parachute (French para‑, protection against, plus chute, fall) and parasol (via French from Italian parasole, from para‑, protecting against, plus sole, sun).

Several terms contain para‑ as a combining form derived from parachute: paratroops, troops equipped to be dropped by parachute from aircraft (hence the abbreviated form paras); paradrop, a descent or delivery by parachute; paragliding, a sport in which the rider hangs from a specially designed canopy like a parachute (called a parafoil) that enables him or her to glide down from a height; parawing, a type of parachute or kite having a flattened shape like a wing, to give greater manoeuvrability.

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