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Greek pur, fire.

Pyromania is an obsessive desire to set fire to things; pyrotechnics (Greek tekhnē, art) the art of making or displaying fireworks (often figuratively, a brilliant performance or display); pyracantha (Greek akantha, thorn) is a thorny evergreen shrub, the firethorn, so called from its bright red berries; pyrography is the craft of decorating wood by burning a design on the surface; a pyrometer is an instrument for measuring high temperatures, especially in furnaces and kilns; pyrexia is raised body temperature or fever.

In geology, pyroclastic (Greek klastos, broken in pieces) denotes fragments of rock ejected from a volcano; pyrolusite (Greek lousis, washing, because of its use to remove colour from glass) is a black or dark grey mineral with a metallic lustre, consisting of manganese dioxide; pyrophosphoric acid is a glassy solid obtained by heating phosphoric acid; pyrene is a crystalline aromatic hydrocarbon present in coal tar.

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