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A subatomic particle; an instrument or device.

The ending of electron.

This appears in the names of a few subatomic particles: neutron, positron (for others, see ‑on1). It has also been used to create the names of various thermionic tubes or valves, such as ignitron, klystron (Greek kluzein, klus‑, wash over), and magnetron. It occurs in the names of particle accelerators, such as cyclotron, synchrotron, and bevatron (from BEV, billions of electron volts). The ending was generalized to mean some high-tech device in orgasmatron, in Woody Allen's 1973 film Sleeper. This has had a few short-lived imitators, and also appears in perceptron, a computer model or computerized machine devised to represent or simulate the ability of the brain to recognize and discriminate.

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