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European; Europe or European plus another country; Europe; the European Union.

English Europe plus ‑o‑.

Examples in which it refers to Europe plus another part of the world, or Europeans plus another nationality, include Euro-American; Eurafrican refers to Europe and Africa, or to a person of mixed European and African parentage or descent.

The form may refer to Europe in general: Eurobond, an international bond issued in Europe or elsewhere outside the country in whose currency its value is stated; Eurovision, a network of European television production administered by the European Broadcasting Union; Euratom, the European Atomic Energy Community; Eurotunnel, the Channel tunnel; Eurocommunism, the theory of communism advocated by communist parties in western European countries; something or someone that is Eurocentric focuses on European culture or history to the exclusion of a wider view of the world.

The most common usage is now in reference to the European Union: a Euromarket is a financial market which deals with Eurocurrencies, the currencies of members of the European Union; the Euro is the single European currency; a Euro-MP is a member of the European Parliament; a Europhile is a supporter of the EU, its opposite being a Europhobe. In political journalism, transitory formations referring to the EU appear widely: Euro-enthusiasm, Euro-farming, Euro-influenced, Euro-lunacy, Euromyth.

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