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Net-like; reticulated.

Latin reticulum, diminutive of rete, net.

Something reticulated contains a fine network or net-like structure, as in a reticulocyte, an immature red blood cell without a nucleus, which has a granular or net-like appearance when suitably stained; reticulocytosis is an increase in the proportion of such blood cells in the bloodstream. The reticulum is a network of tubules or blood vessels in the body, for example in the brain; the adjective reticuloendothelial denotes a diverse system of fixed and circulating cells involved in the immune response, spread throughout the body; reticuloendotheliosis is overgrowth of some part of this system, causing isolated swelling of the bone marrow and in severe cases the destruction of the bones of the skull; reticulosis is abnormal growth of any of the cells of the lymphatic glands or the immune system.

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